Notes from Charlie... "It's Not in the Cows' Heads... They Don't imagine It"...
In my "relative old age" some things occasionally become clear to me.  Recently I was sort of mentally reviewing a number of reports customers have given us through these nearly 38 years (as of January 2020) of selling Willard's Water, and what they liked about it.

There are a lot of different "categories" of uses people liked it for... but one that most people always find fascinating is the changes sometimes seen in animals that start drinking it.  Dogs, cats, birds, horses, hogs, cattle, goldfish and other fish, gerbils... you name it, someone has probably introduced Willard's Water ("WW" for short) to almost any animal you can think of, and noted some positive changes after that.  Some were farmers and THEY particularly found it to be incredibly cost-effective  .. on crops and livestock.

I remember one friend/customer  . . a Midwestern farmer . . an organic farmer before the term was even in general use. 

He had a small dairy herd, and a local veterinarian who he'd been in high school with and who he had always used as the Vet for all his animals... He said he realized one day that his friend, the Vet, likely thought that the farmer was "disloyal to him". . .seemed like he rarely called on that Vet for services any more, and then only to "pull a calf" or some such unpleasant routine.

"J", our friend, said that his cows drank WW all the time and they were so healthy that it was very unusual for him to have a sick cow, and any need to call a Vet.  So he hadn't called on his old friend, the Vet, for a long time.

He didn't claim that the WW was making all that difference... he was feeding them organic grain and hay that he raised himself ... and that certainly was beneficial.

But he said that after his herd began getting the WW (VERY much diluted . . an ounce of concentrate to 250-300 gallons of drinking water) the milk production increased enough to at least pay for his Willard Water purchases, and he suspected much more, since it was his opinion that the real benefit from it was that his cows were healthier and calmer.

That was just one farmer's opinion, which proves nothing, in any scientific sense, but HE was certainly convinced  . and we knew him personally, and knew him to be an intelligent and observant person.

It also reminded us of a story Doc Willard told us back in the '80's... he said a rancher came to him one day and told him how much healthier his cattle were since he had started giving them WW all the time in their water... Doc told the rancher he appreciated his reports of his perceived improvements in his cattle that were drinking WW, but it didn't prove anything. Doc said the rancher pulled his wallet out from his back pocket and tossed it on Doc's desk and said "that's all the proof I need... I've got more money to keep in my wallet since I started them on your Water... haven't needed a Vet in I don't know how long... and that's money in my pocket." 

As Doc said, it doesn't prove anything scientifically, but it certainly explains why ranchers and farmers become very regular users of it.And a lot of people who have no experience in farming or ranching are so impressed by such reported changes in animals who likely are not affected by any placebo effect... it's not "working in the cows' heads"... that they often say it seems even more credible to them, and their observations of changes in their own bodies after drinking it.  Again none of that proves anything, but since it has been found to be harmless, people like this say "what's there to lose?"

Well, as I said, I was thinking about this the other day and I still find it interesting so I thought others might find it interesting too.  So into our blog it went....


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