Got Cellulite? Could This Help to Reduce It?

Small pockets of fat that give skin an “orange peel” or “cottage cheese” appearance, known as Cellulite, may indicate actual health concerns and not be the “strictly cosmetic” issue many people have long assumed.


  Cellulite’s appearance is made worse by:

¨ Fluid retention,

¨ Build up & storage of toxins,

¨ Poor Circulation, and

¨ Poor Muscle Tone.


Since a buildup of toxins is often a cause of Cellulite, having cellulite may indicate your body’s detoxification system may need some support. The specific areas needing help may be your liver and your lymphatic system.


Detoxification is defined as the “mobilization and elimination of unwanted wastes, toxins, pathogens, and other unwanted debris from your body”. So, if you want to rid yourself of cellulite, doing what you can to achieve and maintain a healthy liver and keeping the fluid in your lymphatic system (called the lymph), are believed to be two key goals to achieve reduced cellulite.


Your lymphatic system is a part of your circulatory system. Its fluid — the lymph — moves between your cells, tissues, and organs, along a sort of lymphatic “freeway” of capillaries. About 75% of these capillaries are located near the skin’s surface. That’s why getting rid of cellulite requires supporting and helping your lymphatic system to work as well as possible.


To keep your lymph moving, and therefore not piling up and resulting in cellulite, you need to keep moving. Unlike your blood, which is pumped by the heart to keep it circulating, your lymph only moves when you move. Without enough movement your lymph becomes sluggish and swells… and that’s when you see cellulite has formed.

Obviously movement is desirable to support your lymphatic system, and to prevent cellulite. Acceleration Training, (also called Whole Body Vibration Training) is said by many to be the best way to do this.


However if you don’t have a Power Plate, a mini trampoline, or Rebounder, is said to provide some of the same benefits. The Rebounder also is good in that it doesn’t stress knees and ankles, like jogging on hard surfaces can.


If you don’t have either a Power Plate, or Rebounder, exercises called “high intensity interval training (HIIT),” are suggested.


Additionally, Intermittent Fasting is said to be especially good in the battle against cellulite . Intermittent Fasting involves limiting one’s eating to a set time frame every day — such as eating only during an 8-hour window, or even cutting it down to 6 hours, and for some people even less than that. Just don’t cut down too much, as that can obviously lead to other problems.


Through the years, we’ve had many, many reports from people saying they had been surprised to see their cellulite disappearing after they began regular drinking of Willard’s Water. For years we had no idea why. Then we learned that toxins built up in one’s system was widely recognized as at least one of the causes of cellulite, and Willard’s Water is known to significantly increase one’s elimination of toxins and wastes of all kinds so that may be an explanation for why some people notice their cellulite being reduced when they are drinking WW.


But, remember, we are not health experts of any kind… we’re just passing along what real experts say on the subject, and relaying what many users of Willard’s Water have reported.         

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